Monday, August 18, 2008


Interesting piece of swag in the mail today... courtesy of our friends at Focus Features, I am now the owner of a "Rock Me Sexy Jesus" bouncing action figure promoting their irreverent, eccentric upcoming release Hamlet 2 (8/27, trailer), for which Pam Brady and Andrew Fleming are going to get a push for a Best Original Screenplay nod.

It got me thinking: why not pose a little marketing challenge to our readers? If you can come up with the 5 best ideas for swag items that could realistically be used to promote some of this year's contenders, then you will receive the gigantic TV Guide Film and Video Companion in the mail. (Winner to be determined by me next Monday.)

The "Comments" section is below... go crazy!

Posted by Editor at 13:13:17 | Permanent Link | Comments (6) |